Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A quick update on recent (and not so recent) online publications...

I still feel like publishing things online can feel more than a bit transient.  Between that and the fact that I am horribly scattered and forgetful, I thought that I should occasionally update here with a list of links to places one could find my work online.  Hopefully, there's something here that you haven't read or something that you would like to read again.  If you really like something of mine (or anyone else's for that matter...), consider dropping a line to the editors of these places.  You would be surprised how little feedback many of these editors see from their work...  As this is the first time doing this, some of these poems and stories are much older.

Story Problems, a prose poem, can be found on Red Fez:  https://www.redfez.net/poetry/2037

Two flash fiction pieces in the first issue of Kysoflash: http://www.kysoflash.com/RussellBreak.aspx
and http://www.kysoflash.com/RussellConversation.aspx

Another recent tiny little fiction piece:  http://microfictionmondaymagazine.com/2014/07/14/microfiction-monday-seventh-edition/

Two poems of mine in the October issue of The Birds We Piled Loosely: http://birdspiledloosely.wordpress.com/

A poem I'm really proud of in Apeiron Review:  (I'm on page 93)  https://www.scribd.com/doc/241230479/Apeiron-Review-Fall-2014-Issue-7

Another poem featured on Melancholy Hyperbole:  http://melancholyhyperbole.com/2014/09/23/the-second-dream/

Another recent short story: http://www.sonderreview.com/#!read/cfvg

An older short story about a blind date: http://www.pindeldyboz.com/crblind.htm

A little bit different...  http://arseniclobster.magere.com/archive/issuesix/russellcc1.html

Three poems featured on Poetry SuperHighway in 2013:  http://poetrysuperhighway.com/psh/2013/09/september-23-29-2013-c-c-russell-dominic-bond/
My feature there in 2005:  http://poetrysuperhighway.com/psh/2005/07/psh-poets-of-the-week-401/
And from 2004:  http://poetrysuperhighway.com/psh/2004/03/psh-poets-of-the-week-436/
And from 2003:  http://poetrysuperhighway.com/psh/2003/05/psh-poets-of-the-week-504/
And from all the way back in 1998:  http://poetrysuperhighway.com/psh/1998/07/psh-poets-of-the-week-729/

A much older poem from Oyster Boy Review: http://www.oysterboyreview.org/archived/13/RussellC-Mike.html  and an older flash fiction piece from there as well (one of my favorites of my older stories...)  http://www.oysterboyreview.org/archived/05/russell.html   If you dig around the archives there, there are a few other old poems of mine.  I'm not saying that they are any good, but they're there.

Another old poem from Impetus:  http://theimparchives.tripod.com/25/russell.html

I think that's most of what's out there right now in the world wide web as far as my words go.

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